Emotional waves
or how not to be overwhelmed when accessing traumatic memories
and coping mechanisms when trauma is accessed and/ or released
preparation is the key
my own strategy is the same as catching waves at the beach
Will I jump over the wave?
Will I dive into the wave ( without hiting the bottom)
Will I stand and resist the wave as it passes?
Will I catch the wave and ride it in?
now I grew up in a sea side city
If you live on rolling plains my analogy may mean nothing to you.
How would you prepare for floodwaters? might be a better example.
at times it was like sewer in a stormwater channel
so I just hung onto the side as it passed
the point is
emotional waves do pass
.Psychologists experienced in supporting clients accessing or releasing
traumatic memories can help clients regulate the flow
so it is not overwhelming.
do it in stages
as you are ready
no one has the right to rush you.
be kind to yourself and take it at your own pace.
all the best
Helplines are there to talk to.
there are many websites with information.
both listed on the Aussie Survivors website.